i know i already posted earlier today but wanted to show you a few more pics. i was bored this afternoon and thought i needed to paint something. lol
i went to get a glass for iced tea and viola!!! i thought , why not paint the inside of my cupboards??!! so i did! lol
i love opening up the door and seeing something besides plain old brown walls.
let me know what you think.
i am going to harvest my first batch of lemon balm tomorrow.
i am so excited!! lol. see, it doesnt take much to make me happy. lol
some tips and info on lemon balm-
Lemon balm is an easy to care for herb that grows similar to mint. It likes some shade during the hot part of the day or it will wilt slightly.
- very drought tolerant and rarely give it extra water
- it doesn't like wet feet, and prefers a loose, fairly fertile soil. It will tolerate dry soil as well.
-can harvest plant at least 3 times each summer and still have more than you
-can use with just one plant. It can be harvested within 2-3 inches from the base of the plant each time and it comes back with vigor!
-you can divide lemon balm in the spring or fall. You can also take cuttings in midsummer to bring in for the winter. It can be grown from seed in the spring, or started indoors in late winter and transplanted.
-To harvest, cut the whole stems within a few inches of the base of the plant, gather into groups of 5-6 stems, tie and hang in a warm, airy location. When dry, strip off the leaves, store in a covered container and use as needed.
-A handful of fresh lemon balm and mint make an excellent hot or iced tea when honey is added. It can be used in place of lemon peel in recipes. Add it to your favorite sugar cookie dough for a pretty tea cookie.
Pam from beehindthymeprimitives has a wonderful recipe for using lemon balm in iced tea.
good night all!