While its miserable outside; I have been puttering around the house.
-The master bedroom is painted
-Still need to hang curtains
-Got night stand lamps today at a thrift store
-Also picked up a small lamp to set on top of the dryer. had an electric candle, but this is so much better. :)
- Need to make new throw pillow covers for the living room
-Second bedroom is still in remodeling phase( the same as it has been for months). :(
The last couple weeks I have been lacking in motivation.
Things I have done; I am just not 100% satisfied with.
Needing some ideas of what to set on the shelves. Right now, its just folded up napkins. (blah)Though not very original; it did look completely bare when I took down the pictures..
Black star was in my stash pile, white plate from some junk a neighbor was getting rid of.
Rusty wire cloche was a thrift store find, $1.00.
Distressed "H".
The rest of the letters.

Not sure I am liking this..........
Stay tuned.