
Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Giveaway Winners!!!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Simple~Needs Giveaway!!!!
Let me tell ya, the steps, storage building and gates have all been painted with CWF-UV, plants are all in, weeds have been pulled, my sister is moved, Father's day dinner turned out great and I got another birthday behind me. :)
I was going to post this giveaway on my birthday but I changed my mind. lol
Tuesday the 23rd was the special day.
My mom, sister(Karla) and I all went out for lunch at Applebee's. This was my first time ever eating there ( yea, I know I don't get out much). :) Karla and I both had Fiesta Lime Chicken and mom had Oriental Chicken. We split a maple butter blonde brownie for dessert. It was all in all a wonderful day!
I got a few cards, balloons and ice cream. :) I really didn't want a cake this year.
Anyways, enough of me gabbing, on to the giveaway!!!
I have decided to offer two different giveaways. I know some of you love primitives and some of you don't.
The first giveaway will be 3 of the Glade fragrance collection candles. You will get one of each scent: Orange Vanilla, Mcintosh Apple, and Earthly Awakening

The second is for an Americana Annie.
She comes with a rusty star in her pocket and also holds a stuffed ornie star.

Please pass the word to come on over and sign up on this post. :)
Sign up ends at 12am on June 28th.
Winners will be announced later that afternoon. :)
Which giveaway do you want to win?
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Bee Barn
Monday, June 15, 2009
Beginning of a new week
setting here having coffee and thought i would post. :)
i have the throw rugs gathered up to go to the laundry this morning. i still need to mop and vacuum. my plans were to go to Fred's market with Saundra and Nancy this morning but my plans have changed. Dr.'s office called at 8am and said i need to have some lab work redone before noon. so much for looking at flowers. :(
we put a "new " storm door up over the weekend. its new for us but not really new. lol it is a trash to treasure project. it needs painted before i post a pic. i like it better than the old Larson one- which was rusting and i have went round and round with Larson's; who by the way sent me a replacement too small and now want 125.00 for another one. this is all on a door that i bought a lifetime warranty on. (i knew i shouldn't have gotten started on that subject.)
i am still peeved at them.
we still have weeding to do in the hosta beds.
cats are clawing at my leg for food. i swear we don't run the house, they do. :)
my laptop died yesterday- not a good thing to happen.
Tuesday- i am supposed to go to my friend Dee's house for a while to help her.
Wednesday- i need to clear the rest of the clutter from small bedrooms so we can take the wall partition out. mop again and more cleaning
Thursday- i have a Dr.'s appt. and finish getting things ready for yard sale.
Friday -prepare for yard sale.
what are you doing this week??
oh, June 23rd is my birthday and in saying that , i am going to do a giveaway. actually, a double giveaway, why a double? because i am a slacker and never did one for my 200 posts after i said i would, so now i will have two. it benefits you! :)
stay tuned for details.
Friday, June 12, 2009
A Day Trip & More......
Hi all, how is the weekend going?
It has been a very dreary Friday here.
I wanted to show you the pics that I took while on our little road trip yesterday.
This is the first flea market that we stopped at.
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This is a view from the parking lot. Lots of pretty country in these parts.
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Done some shopping and on to another market.
Water anyone?
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We stopped at an Amish yard sale. Thought I would snap a pic of the "vehicle of choice" by most shoppers.
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The bike in front of the screen( see the Amish ladies behind it?)was being sold, It had belonged to the grandfather. The bike (plus attached milk crate) only cost Nancy $2.00. She bought it for her husband to start exercising. He is out of town this week, and she is picking him up at the airport AFTER she goes back to get the bike. Now isn't he going to be surprised??!!! lOl
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Next was a "general store". This place was a collector's dream. :)
Some of the prices were kinda high I thought. Saundra did find a old Radio Flyer wagon for $13.00. I thought it was a great deal . What I really, really, really wanted to buy was an old watering can. I have been wanting one for quite a while. All the ones I seen were well over $20.00. I just couldn't see paying that for something that I want to use outside. Plus, it really didn't fit into the budget. :)
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Say hi to Nancy( foreground) and Saundra. :)
I had such a great time with these two.
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Heading out of Berlin, Ohio
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It was such a great time!! The whole day was spent talking, shopping, laughing and of course, eating. lol
We had cheese, crackers, beef jerky, cherry turnovers, bar b q chicken sandwiches and lots of water.
Now, this morning I went to ONE yard sale,
This is what I bought.
woohoo!! I found my watering can, a red wood handle cutter and an old KERR jar with metal lid.
Do you see the price tag on the watering can??!! It was $2.00!!! That's right, $2.00!!!
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My grandma always said , "patience is a virtue". :)
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Good morning, its 4:52 AM
I told my friend Saundra to remind me to bring the camera. :)
I did get a cell phone that also has a camera on it ,but I am still trying to figure it out. lol
I have T-MOBILE "pay as you go" phone plan and wasn't even sure if a camera phone was available for that type of service, found out it was!! So I posted looking for one on Freecyle and got a few replies!! This one is a pretty blue Nokia.
If you haven't ever used your local Freecyle , try it out.
We have found lots of goodies there.
Be back soon
p.s. I still have flowers to get planted...... it's never ending............ :)
Saturday, June 6, 2009
The weather outside is beautiful! I am going to clean up the house a little and head out to the yard.
I know I said I was done with planting flowers but, we went to Fred's Market in Zanesville.
If you have never been to Fred's you need to! The place is out on Putnam Ave and well worth the trip. The perennials are $1.69 each. annuals are $1.59 a 4-6 pack.
He still has a huge selection as most other greenhouses are already closing for the summer or have a limited selection.
Yesterday I went to a couple yard sales.
Really didn't find a whole lot. My big purchase of the day was a like new Bissell Powerforce Bagless Upright. I got it for $5.00. We were yard saling in a super nice housing edition. The lady said it ran but wasn't picking up anything and she couldn't find her receipt to take it back...... she said it was only a month old and they had moved to this new house and rooms have central vacuum system( must be nice). I gave her the $5.00 and brought it home. The problem was a broken belt. ( Can I say she was young, dumb and has too much money to spend?) Well, I said it anyways. ;)
Back to the story, I jumped back in the SUV and went to Walmart... which is an event all its own. Our Walmart is remodeling and everything is completely opposite of where it used to be( except the food section). I now was looking for cat food where the shoes were, I couldn't even find the shoes, the Doritos were in what used to be the baby aisles. Its just crazy!!
I asked 3 clerks where to find the magazines but no one knew. Was looking for the new Country Sampler but that didn't happen at Walmart that's for sure.
Anyways, after putting on the new belt- it works like a dream!!!!
I also found a box of new tack strips( for putting down carpet) for $1.00. I know I don't need them right now but they are pretty pricey when you do need them; especially for a whole box.
I did get a green enamelware bean pot with beans and chili mix included for free. lol
Oh, I almost forgot. I got my sister a dehydrator for $2.00. Last Christmas I had made dried orange slices to put on my tree and she was wanting to do some too. Now she has her own. :)
I haven't gotten my Uncle Sam doll done yet. I have been slacking.
I also need to get a pic of the swap goodies that I received from
KIM @ KIM'S Kreations
Next Thursday , I am going with my friend, Saundra and her sister Nancy to Amish Country. Saundra goes there alot more than me and she knows the inside scoop of all the back roads places. :)
Her sister , Nancy, is a wonderful person, just all around great! She is so nice to talk to. :)
Someone remind me to take my camera.