I spent the bigger part of the day cleaning arond the house.
Ran to town this afternoon to pick up potatoes and I stopped at the Goodwill. There were no goodies there for me. :(
Tomorow will be a yard sale day I hope.
I don't know about all of you but its been slim pickings around here at both the Goodwill and yard sales this past couple months.
Anyone else noticed that?
I wanted to show you the wood lids( on the crocks) we made. It's hard to tell in the pictures but the lids are very "distressed".
Distressed as in we beat them with a hammer, stabbed them a few times with a screwdriver and slid them across the gravel before staining. they look VERY old .....and..... I sure worked off alot of stress. :).

This one is probably my fave. :)

The plywood was a piece(almost a full sheet) we had picked up at the recycling center. The guy said he would take 3.00 off our total. I was happy with the price; a piece of plywood costs more than that. I think they look better with lids and I don't have to dust the insides so much.
Tonight for supper I made baked steak, gravy, mashed potatoes, corn and straberry shortcake for dessert. I know the days of fresh berries are drawing near. I miss them so much in the winter. The ones that are shipped in just don't taste the same.
What did you have for supper?
Picked 2 tomatoes and about half dozen cucumbers from our little garden. Green beans should be ready for first picking by the weekend.
Grass looks a bit shaggy but we haven't had rain in a while and I don't want it to die by cutting it. I hate seeing yards with brown crispy grass. I think it's depressing.
Neighbor girls stopped over while I was outside. They are living with their grandparents right now, since mom and dad are getting a divorce. The girls are 8 and 10. I got to hear about their fish dieing and the funeral, their dad taking them out to dinner this evening( they were wearing dresses) and how much they want a big pool. :)
Still need to clean out storage building and do a little weeding. It's wrote down in my little notebook. I will get to it sometime. :)
Here in my part of Ohio they are calling for
temps to be in the 70's over the weekend. What is going on with our weather? Now mind you, I don't mind the cooler temps(it seems like Fall). It makes me wonder what the weather will be like when it is Fall.
I thought abut painting the area where my washer /dryer set. That will probably wait till a later date.
I do want to change out the stuff on my TV. I want to put away my Uncle Sam and other things like that. Just not sure what i am going to replace it with. It's too soon for scarecrows and such.
Well, enough rambling from me.
Will let you know how my yard saling goes tomorrow.