
Sunday, May 31, 2009
WOrking At The STone HOuse
Last fall we were asked to attend the root cellar planting and recreation.
We had started the project a few weeks ago and needed to get it finished or at least almost finished. :) Today was a great day to be working outside. Still need to get some more plants in and mulch.
My SO, sister Karla, her son Douglas and I were busy, busy.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Friday Chit Chat
I am up ( have been since 4am). What the heck is wrong with me? :)
Getting ready to clean up a little and run some errands.
It's Friday and that means the Farmer's market is on the Courthouse square.
Of course, we are expecting some rain too.
National road yard sales start tomorrow.
I have been doing some summer decorating at the 'ol homestead. :) tee hee

I got this huge crow a year or so ago. I just love him. You always see wreaths or little plaques on doors,
I wanted to be different and use something big.
On my tv armoire. Uncle Sam is waiting to wave the grand 'ol flag.

The small "U.S.A." sign to the left of Sam is from the Dollar Zone( of course, $1.00) . I wish I had a bigger one. I don't think that one shows up real well.
Another pic of the living room in some light.

This is a close up of the shelf behind the sofa.
The 3 tea stained flags came from the Dollar Zone too.

You got it, $1.00 each!
The crock they are in was literally dug up last summer. Crock to the left ( with my favorite pantry cloths in it) was in a freebie box at a yard sale. :)
Barnwood ladder beside door- also draped with a faded flag and primitive Americana stocking.

Do you have any flags in your decorating?
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
just some rambling..........

I picked these berries today before it started raining.
Of course, I really didn't have enough for a pie so I ate them au natural.
They were so good and so sweet!
Don't you think things that are home grown taste so much better?
I have been working on a few craft items but nothing completed yet.
We have had rain off and on all day.
Took this pic in between rain showers and sunshine.

We had baked steak, gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans and iced tea for supper.
What did you make?
Tomorrow, I have a few errands to run.
Got a few more pics to share with you real soon too.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Good Sunday Morning.........
Thanks so much for the comments in my last post. You have no idea how much better I feel. :)
Friday,I went to a few yard sales. This is one of the goodies I got.
There is a bunch more to show you but, that will wait for another day( like maybe tomorrow)

I just love the crackling on the pitcher!
Friday afternoon I went shopping at Kmart. this past week Kmart had double coupons. I really made out. :) All this for $18.16!!!
The salad dressing was free with using coupons, miracle whip and mayo was only 99 cents each. Velveeta was 2.79. carpet fresheners 70 cents, cream cheese free, , cat food ( in the back) free Pringles free, bar b q sauce free, Smuckers topping free, oscar mayer wieners 51 cents each pack.
Saving money makes me happy and I am loving the double coupon thingy, It's not hard at all.
I also transferred two prescriptions from Walmart to Rite Aid and got the 25.00 gift cards, a $15.00 card from Kmart for submitting feedback( look at the bottom of your receipt), and a $25.00 gift card for Cato's from my mom( for Easter). See, I am in a much better mood. ;)
Saturday we went to Reinersville Trade Days.
If you have never been there, it's something to see. lol
I am talking literally in the hills , lots of walking, lots of goodies. I thought this year some of the prices were a little crazy though. Maybe those vendors think us primitive lovers are walking around with money bags for butt cheeks. If some of the things we seen are actually worth the prices they were asking, then I have a couple $100,000's worth of prims in my house. lol
I think I started collecting primitives when primtives wasn't cool.
Crocks that I bought at yard sales for less than $10.00 each, They wanted anywhere from 65.00-125.00 EACH. An old watering can was 45.00. Nope, too much for me.
I did buy an old enamelware pan from one stand. I had just told one of my neighbors this past week that I wanted to find a gray or black bowl to put in the bowl rack( the one I previously used was tan and matched the wall). I seen the bowl in someone else's hands and the lady was trying to bargain with the dealer. The lowest he went with her was $10.00( started at $25.00). I held my breath and she put the bowl down. I walked right over picked it up and hugged it to me( wasn't thinking about anyone else watching, lol). The dealer said ,"well, I know that old bowl is going to a good home. you can have it for $8.00!" I was totally floored!! I would have given him the $10.00 because I wanted it THAT bad!! You should have seen the look on the lady's face when he let me have it for that price-priceless!! lol
Here is a new pic of my little pond area.
(now to put a slight damper on the above pic)
My landlord( I own the trailer, he owns the property) complains that I have too many big plants and big plants cause snakes????!! Regardless of the fact that we have gotten awards from the "Cambridge Beautification Council" three times( and have lived here for 11 years). If you were/are a landlord, would you mind someone taking care of your property like this?? I just don't get it. he is not originally from this country so I understand that his thinking is not in line with my thinking. but I think we take care of the property very well. The neighbors across the road think so!! We live in the midst of $100,000- $200,000 homes. Actually, we have neighbors stop by and comment on how nice we keep the place. Even had some Homestead landscaping guys stop and ask me how to get the Hostas so big. :)
okay, I am still in a good mood.
Oh, here is another pic. These are the concrete mushrooms that I bought at last weekends garden fair. I set them beside the primitive TOAD HOUSE.
Does it look okay??
This evening we are cooking out at my dad's . beer can chicken, burgers, mac salad, baked beans, corn on the cob, watermelon, etc. will be ready at 5pm if you want to come over. :)
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
In a slump...........
I thought I would get on and post , pardon me if it gets too boring..
Lately, I have been in a slump when it comes to crafting. I am supposed to have an Uncle Sam doll done in two weeks;it is started, but not done. There is a stitchery laying here that is unfinished too.
I look beside the chair and I have magazines that I haven't even read yet.
Bedroom is painted, but I still haven't picked out curtains.
My now empty nester bedrooms still need cleaned and painted.
There is a few plants that haven't been put in the ground yet.
New storm door is here ( and been here) but they sent the wrong size.
Clothes need folded
I haven't baked anything for a week
Geez, I could go on and on.
Tell me, how do you get out of a slump?
What picks you up and gets you motivated?
Does someone want to give me a swift kick?? :) lol
Monday, May 18, 2009
Things to remember this week..........
Sunday, May 17, 2009
SOme THinGs To SHow You.....
First, I want to send a big thank you to Char @ The Pickled Pepper Patch for the awesome goodies I won in her giveaway!!! Let me tell ya, I am loving everything!!!!

Thank you Char, for such awesome gifts!
Char, you are such an inspiration to us crafters. I know that every time I read your blog I am going to find wonderful, creative ideas that I can use at home! Sending blog hugs to you! :)
Saturday morning, my aunt and I went to the garden fair that was being held at the Cambridge city park.
"Stop by the Cambridge Garden Fair on Saturday, May 16 at Cambridge City Park large pavilion, and get all your garden plants for summer.
The fair will be from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and will take place rain or shine.
Participants include: Fagan's Farms, Reynolds Greenhouse, Roscoe Village Herb Society, Woodsfield Garden Club, Beaver Hills Garden Club, Jean Danford, Helen Reid, Guernsey County Master Gardener Volunteers, Hazy Hollow Flower and Herb Farm, Guernsey Herb, Guernsey Herb Guild and Grow and Show Garden Club.
There will be plants, accessories, nutrients and information for your garden.
The fair is being sponsored by the Grow and Show Garden Club."
We loved it!! I am so hoping they do this fair every year!! There were so many plants and the prices were wonderful!
A few pics of plant goodies I got..
Now, how cute is this? I love the red zinnia and what makes it even better is the cute pitcher its planted in and the price - 50 cents!!

more goodies I got.........

sedum 50 cents
meadow sage 2.00
false aster 1.00
vinca 50 cents
dead nettle 1.00
maybe next year we will do some garden crafts to add to the fair. :)
These plants came from McQuain's greenhouse, New Concord, Ohio. Their plants are great and they are a very friendly family. :)

They even have an "honor system" box to put your money into in case no one is around. Now how many places do you know that still does that??
Our small garden is now officially underway.....
tomatoes are in. :)

I didn't go to any yard sales this weekend, it was just too rainy. :(
It is already looking dreary this morning.
How is your weekend going?
Oh, I need to get a pic of my concrete mushrooms to show you! :)
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Good Thursday Morning.
Is it raining where you are? :)
It is here.
So much for yard saling this weekend; maybe it will clear up, but I doubt it.
I thought I would post a few pics from around the yard.
I love this deep purple color.

and a pale lavender.......

My primitive greenhouse is in place, I am thinking of starting some fall type plants inside.

We sold all of the ones that we made!! Two of them went to blogging friends. :)
I need to get busy on my Uncle Sam project . I have been proscratinating lately. Sometimes I do that. lol
I also need to get a pic or two of my tv armoire, it needs something, I just don't know what.
Be back soon, Kim
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Baby, It's Cold Outside...........
Geez, it was only 39 degrees outside when I woke up. Could someone please explain to mother nature that this is almost the middle of May? :) lol
I am sitting here typing to you, drinking coffee and wearing wooly socks. They are not very pretty but oh, so warm!!
Yesterday I changed out the goodies on my tv armoire to primitive americana items for the summer.
I will post a pic (maybe later today)and see what you think. Right now, I am thinking it looks plain.
Today I am going to get some tomato plants, clean house and run by Walmart.
What's on your agenda?
Saturday, May 9, 2009
a busy saturday.
this is short and please pardon the lower case lettering and any typos- i am so tired!. :)
friday morning i went ( or attempted to go to) the farmers market in town.
of course, it had to rain on a good morning. :)

this is just a little group of vendors. by the time i found a parking place, got in it, and walked to the edge of the court house lawn, it started really raining. so much for that idea, i turned around and got back in the explorer. maybe better luck next friday.

there wasn't a bunch of exciting yard sales this weekend either. :(
today we worked around the house a little, went to to my niece jordyn's birthday party. she is now offcially five!! :) thats how she said it to me. lol
then my sister and i went to the kennedy stone house to get busy on the gardens.
i forgot my camera of all things. what i really need to do is get a camera phone. my question is that my t-mobile cell phone is a "pay as you go". do they make camera phones like that? is there a camera phone that i can just take a pic and then bring it home to download onto the computer?
can you tell that i am not cell phone savvy? should i also mention that it has to be a low cost phone? an expensive phone is not in the budget right now( probably wont ever be either) :)
after working out there , i came home to help with these.....
house 1

house #2

house #3

i have no major plans for tomorrow. neither of my girls live at home these days so it will be a long mother's day.
be back soon, kim
Friday, May 8, 2009
Lots To Do & To Show You
I am up and need to get busy.
First, I thought I would post to you.
This project is from my cousin, Tammy. :)
She turned an old dresser into a buffet for her dining room.
She is one of the smart ones in the family. sshh.... Don't tell anyone I said that. (giggle)
This is a very cool primitive!!!
I am loving it!!! :)
Wonder what goodies she is going to put on it?
Maybe she will send me some more pics to post. :)
(hint, hint, if she is reading this)
These are my goods from double couponing at KMART.

The candles on the left( orange, white and red) are the new Glade fragrance collection. I ended up getting them for $1.00 each! Yes, even the big one!
total before coupons- $134.87
total after double coupons - $31.66
Woohoo! I am doing a happy dance!
You know why? Because that means more money to yard sale AND more money I can put back for a new kitchen floor.
Remember my post about the awful stuff from Armstrong flooring?
I did hear back, they said there was no proof it was actually their flooring. :(
My dad thinks I should roll the whole darn( that's not the "D" word he used) up and send it to them. (I know where I get my attitude from). hehe
I am going this morning to the downtown farmers market. Hopefully, I can remember to take my camera. This is the courthouse lawn that it will be on.

My neighbors would be ready to kill me if I had a planter like this...................lol

Wonder if we could make it prim??? tee hee
Let me tell ya, I could plant the whole garden in mine( and it might cause a traffic jam with all the construction guys around here too). lol
Be back soon,
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Whatcha Working on Wednesday & More
Sorry I have been gone for so long. I know some of you can relate; it's that time of year to be working in your yards and gardens.
I got a few pics to show you today. :)
First, I am working on getting all these plants in the ground today before it starts to rain.
Over the weekend I went to a few yard sales in the neighborhood. I always stop at the ones that state they have perennials for sale. Its a good way to add a few new things and save a few dollars. :)
The plants in this pic came from the sale at the Westminster Presbyterian Church in New Concord, Oh.

There is ground cover, double poppies, 2 different grasses, a pink hollyhock, and a blue corn flower.
My cost? less than $5.00 for all!!!!
These plants are a combination of Kmart and Walmart. check Walmart for the garden clearance. I got the two grasses for $1.25 each, and the geraniums for 62 cents each.

The impatiens and bacopa are from Kmart.
This bed is cleaned out and waiting for some new goodies. :)

scroll on down to the next post for more new pics!
This cute little basket planter(plants included) was another yard sale find.
Cost? $2.00!!!

You can find the tea stained flags at Dollar Zone( an everything for a dollar store). Ours is in the Walmart center. :) I bought a couple since they were just $1.00. They won't last long- hurry over!
Check out this runner I have hanging over the side of my cupboard- another yard sale find!
It is so heavy,long and I love it!! Want to know what I paid??????

I was doing a happy dance all the way to the Explorer. :)
One last find..........
paid 25 cents for this tissue box cover. :)

Did I do good or what??!!!
Now, I want to tell you that it pays to be nice and give compliments. Of course you might already know that but in case you forgot, here is some positive reinforcement . :)
and...... I received these in the mail for responding to a PURINA survey.
p.s. I won the giveaway at CHAR'S blog!
more coming tomorrow.....